Written by Hira Naeem The Intersol team is dedicated throughout the year to providing the finest consultation and training services to our valuable clients across Canada. All the efforts put into our work are translated into numbers at year-end, making it a critical time for finance teams.  The fiscal year end is the date on which … Read more

Written by Laïla Ouazzani-Touhami At the end of every year, organizations across the world look back at the last 12 months and ask themselves… How many KPI’s were met? What are the numbers telling us? What were our big wins and losses? One important and often overlooked factor is work culture. Are you asking yourself: … Read more

Accessible practices in organizing and facilitating virtual events present both challenges and opportunities. In this series we offer some of our lessons learned from recent projects in which accessibility took center stage.  Part 1 covered Lessons 1-3 on preparing for an important meeting with accessibility requirements Part 2 speaks about our lessons learned right before and during … Read more

 If you’re familiar with the 5 Monkeys Experiment, narrated several years ago here, you’ll know it accurately portrays most organizational cultures; that we tend to do things the way they’ve always been done. Organizations and their people rarely revisit these ways of doing things or challenge whether the reason behind it still holds any merit.   The … Read more

If you’ve heard the term “facilitator” used in a professional setting but aren’t quite sure what it is, you’re not alone. Anyone who’s worked as a professional facilitator has more than likely been to countless parties, weddings or gatherings where introductions went something like this: Stranger: “…and what do you do for work?” Facilitator: “I work for … Read more

Accessible practices in organizing and facilitating virtual events present both challenges and opportunities. In this series we offer some of our lessons learned from recent projects in which accessibility took center stage. Part one of this series is all about preparation. Preparing for an important meeting with accessibility requirements can be as important as it … Read more

Written by Patrick Valois As pandemic-related restrictions continue to slowly ease, many of us who have been spending our days at home on Zoom or Microsoft Teams are understandably itching to get back to in-person meetings. While this may be realistic for some, others may not be comfortable with or able to meet in person … Read more

Written by Bianca Baldo Restructuring the workday to maximize efficiency. Promoting equality and diversity in self-care and wellness.   Using technology to maximize efficiency. Working with stakeholders to develop inclusive solutions. Exploring a gender-based analysis can be a first step to understanding your diversity needs and increasing inclusive practices for your workforce. You may have already … Read more

Written by Intersol Group As change management professionals, we stress the importance of doing a change readiness assessment at the beginning of a project. But what does that mean, exactly? A change readiness assessment can take many different forms, and be more or less thorough depending on the situation. At the core, its purpose is … Read more

Written by Intersol Group I see a lot of conflict in the workplace. And I’m sure that you have had to face conflict at one time or another in your life. Sometimes it’s a minor problem that gets fixed quickly. And other times the conflict just keeps getting worse and worse until it seems like … Read more