Change Management

Change Is Constant And Crucial.

Organizations everywhere have been shaken up and transformed forever. Small and big changes are happening every day to make room for a new virtual or hybrid workforce. To continue attracting talent, it’s timely to revisit, revise, and reinvent ways to future-proof the organization. Employers worldwide are seizing the opportunity to re-evaluate their business strategies and create a dynamic and engaged workforce.
Intersol has a three-phase facilitative change management approach that is designed to ensure that everyone in the organization is part of the decision-making process. Employees are pivotal in the success of any change initiative. Neglecting employee perspectives can have negative consequences. Concerned about engaging difficult personalities? We understand the challenges and see resistance as an opportunity to tap into different perspectives. Differing viewpoints can lead to frustration, but often come from a place of passion and care.

1. Initiate.
This step is about recognizing the need for change within the organization and gaining buy-in from key stakeholders. We assess your team’s readiness for change and establish key performance indicators.

2. Implement.
Here, we assist your team in creating a clear implementation plan, outlining necessary changes and required training to facilitate adoption.

3. Sustain.
Too many organizations overlook this phase, which involves a continued implementation plan to normalize changes. We work with you to embed successful changes into existing procedures, systems, and relationships. It’s very easy to slip back into past habits, which is why our team works with each of our clients to help normalize changes and the behaviours that create success. 

Is your organization undergoing a transition or change initiative?