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Training shouldn’t be a one size fits all  

Written by Laïla Ouazzani-Touhami

Investing in business training can be a game-changer in today’s competitive corporate landscape. Empowering your team with the skills and knowledge they need. It helps build their confidence, paves the way for increased productivity, innovation, overall performance and enables them to feel valued in the workplace.  

However, not all training is created equal, and generic, one-size-fits-all training programs may not be suitable for all teams within an organization. Here are 3 reasons why your team would benefit from a tailored training approach: 

  1. Meeting your team’s specific needs 

Different teams have different training needs. Each team within an organization has unique goals, objectives, and skill sets. For example, employees in new managerial or leadership positions may benefit more from fundamental leadership skills and team management skills, whereas more experienced leaders may benefit from advanced leadership skills and team effectiveness skills.  

When training is customized to meet the specific requirements of each team, it becomes more relevant and applicable to their day-to-day work. This, in turn, leads to improved employee engagement and job satisfaction. 

  1. Customized Training is more effective 

When training is specifically designed for each team, it can address the specific challenges and requirements the group and individuals may have. As a result, they are more likely to retain the information and apply it to their work. By giving your team the tools they need, and the space to learn, you will notice a shift in the way they approach certain tasks, have better decision-making abilities thus helping them towards more productivity and a more satisfying performance from both perspectives, overtime.  

  1. More Collaboration and Teamwork 

When team members participate in training together, whether in an in-person, hybrid, or virtual space, they have the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives. This can lead to improved teamwork and communication, which can benefit them and the organization as a whole. Additionally, team-based training can create a sense of team cohesion and build stronger relationships among its members. 

Overall, your team training should be tailored to your specific context to ensure that it is effective, relevant, and engaging for the employees concerned. Contact us today to find out more about our leadership, facilitation, and other human skills courses we can offer to help you find the training that will take your team to the next level.