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Communication Effectiveness

About the Course 

Communication effectiveness is a powerful facilitator-led course intended to provide participants with pragmatic, relevant, experiential exercises, and a toolkit to develop effective communication skills which are key aspects of being able to succeed within the workplace environment and has been designed to support the development of core communication competencies. 

Course duration1 day  

For who: Employees at all levels.

Course Format 

Using highly interactive, engaging and experiential activities, it is designed to provide you with a variety of practical tools, techniques, and strategies to strengthen a broad range of communication styles and help to choose appropriate, effective ways to communicate to audiences in diverse situations. 

Specific Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this course, participants will: 

  • Describe the basic elements of communication – process, model & modes
  • Explain why and how defensiveness creates communication breakdowns 
  • Apply strategies to decrease defensiveness in communication
  • Demonstrate active listening skills as a means to foster trust, open communication, client satisfaction, and greater productivity that leads to the development of a creative and innovative work environment
  • Give and receive effective and constructive feedback that fosters positive working relationships and provides learning and growth opportunities
  • Recognize when conversations become difficult and the assertive communication skills needed to make these conversations less stressful and more productive
  • Develop a personalized action plan to support the ongoing development of effective communication skills

This course is offered in French and English.


To find out more, please contact 

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