Leadership and Development Skills
Organizations everywhere have been shaken-up and transformed forever. Small and big changes are happening every day to make room for a new virtual or hybrid workforce. To stay attracting it’s timely to revisit, revise and re-invent ways to future-proof the organization. Employers everywhere are jumping on the opportunity to reinvent something that will re-evaluate their business strategies and create a dynamic and engaged workforce. When organizational change is needed, many leadersare eager to create the change, but miss important steps for success along the way. Intersol has a three-phase facilitative change management approach that is designed to ensure that everyone in the organization is a part of the decision-making process. Employees are pivotal in the success of any change initiative. Without listening to them, staff morale is impacted, and the momentum decreases.
Phase One: Intiating the change
Phase one is about recognizing and understanding the need for change within your organization. We will work with you to assess your team, department or organization’s readiness for change and establish key performance indicators.
A key part of this phase is creating buy-in from key employees and stakeholders.
Are you worried about engaging some difficult personalities in the process? Not to worry, this is a common barrier to implementing change. There are some real implications for people when confronted with initiating change, and resistance is well, part of the process! Although some leaders might find those resisting can add a layer or frustration, we see this as a very positive manageable opportunity to tap into different perspectives. Putting forward a different perspective is often seen as hostile or offensive but it usually comes from a place of passion and caring. Wanting to create something great needs to be thoroughly reviewed.
Find out more about how we deal with difficult personalities or change resistance. [would insert blog and include in all stakeholder engagement references].
Phase Two – Implementing the change
During this phase our facilitators help your team begin the implementation process by creating a clear plan. This project plan will outline all of the required change management implementations that need to happen, as well as clearly stating the required training needed to help your organization’s employees and stakeholders embrace and adopt these changes.
Phase Three – Sustaining change
The final phase is one that many organizationss overlook, a continued implementation plan of change management. It’s very easy to slip back into past habits, which is why our team works with each of our clients to help normalize changes and the behaviors that create success. This approach requires embedding the successful changes into existing procedures, systems, and relationships.